Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Will has been taking group skiing lessons at Mount Bachelor. He is in a group of 9 kids ages 7-9. They ski all over the mountain from 9-3 every Sunday. It is nice for me too, then I get a chance to ski all over the mountain too. He is learning to switch from a wedge stop to parallel turns.

He also just lost the other front tooth and with two gone on the bottom, there are some major gaps.


dale lafrenz said...

This works well. I got it hooked to my Favorites and now runs directly without going to the blog.

We really like the walking movie, she is close to doing it on her own - looking forward to seeing her soon.

dale lafrenz said...

looking for the tooth picture
Will definitely looks like a skier

Unknown said...

Good stuff here. We are lurking and seeing everything that is going on. Enjoy the pictures, movies and updates.

Keep up the good work!